Urdd Achievements
Congratulations to Hannah who won her woodwind class playing the flute in a recent Denbighshire Urdd Eisteddfod. This is a huge honour and she has now qualified to compete in the National Urdd Eisteddfod against the winners of counties throughout Wales. Hannah is our third pupil to compete in the National Urdd Eisteddfod, proudly flying the Fairholme flag! This year, the final is to be held in Caerphilly and we wish Hannah well with her two pieces and hopes she enjoys her exciting journey to South Wales.
Meanwhile, many pupils have been working extremely hard over the last few weeks towards their music ABRSM examinations in piano, singing, woodwind and, for the first time this year, harp. Exams were held at school on the last day of the half term and we hope for some excellent results from some very talented students! Well done everyone for taking part.