The Same but Different
This half term, our yearly ‘special day’ took an artistic turn as proposed by last year’s School Council. The project, ‘The Same but Different’, aimed to explore and celebrate our differences whilst acknowledging our common need to be loved and accepted; this contributed well towards our aim as a school to promote friendship and respect between pupils. During the first day of the project, the children used ‘Applied Paper-based Technology’ to produce two full sized cardboard people and a few smaller models. Having learned the basic technique, the initial models were constructed and designs were completed for possible outfits for the various models. A week later when the models had dried out, the groups started to dress two of the models, one based on the character of ‘Alice’ - very much at the forefront of our minds - and the other (based on the design of Mia and Hannah) who, because of their very colourful and ‘mad’ clothes design, ended up as the Mad Hatter to welcome visitors and parents to our Art Exhibition and Tea Party. The other models made will eventually be sold and a proportion of the profits donated to ‘People Potential’ – a charity who work in Africa teaching some of the poorest parents of children with mobility issues how to make walking aids using the same basic techniques using recycled card-board.