Springing into Action
Girls and boys, of all abilities, have had the chance to take part in a new gymnastics club this half term. Mrs. Gains has been very impressed with the effort and enthusiasm demonstrated by all of her group and has been amazed by the talented students who attend gymnastics classes outside of school. These students have enjoyed practising and strengthening their skills whilst being a great source of help and inspiration to the more novice members of the group!
The children have enjoyed Volleyball club this term, one of the new clubs since the opening of the Mount Sports Hall. We have been practising our skills in pairs and small groups…maybe next term we will be ready for a match!
Badminton club has also been a huge success this half term since we have moved into the Sports Hall. The children have been learning how to hold the racquet, and how to score during singles and doubles matches. They have made really pleasing progress and are showing how ‘practice makes perfect!’