Peter Pan Drama Workshop
The first Fairholme Drama Workshop was held just before the start of the Summer Term. 24 children gave up the last week of holiday to come and join us in our Peter Pan Production. No-one quite knew what to expect, least of all the production crew! However it turned out to be great fun — far better than holidaying! Numbers of boys and girls were equal, and each would-be Peter Pan had their own potential Wendy. Huge bands of Pirates, mermaids and fairies gathered to learn dances, songs, mimes and acting parts for the show. Props and scenery, all made by the children, gradually emerged and any spare time was used creating programmes and posters. Eventually the die had to be cast and the parts for the final performance for the parents were decided. Everyone had at least two roles, some three or four! We enjoyed ourselves so much that we made a very late decision to perform again to the school in the first assembly, leaving a very short time to dismantle the stage and return the Fairholme Hall to its normal state ready for lunch! Well done to all involved and many thanks to the production crew!