It's a Long Way to Tipperary!
As part of this term’s History topic, the pupils in Form VII were fortunate enough to have the opportunity to visit the new trench exhibit at Bodelwyddan Castle.
On our arrival we were greeted by a gentleman wearing a replica World War I uniform who led us to the trenches as we serenaded him with the rousing chorus – ‘It’s a Long Way to Tipperary’.
He then talked us through his uniform and equipment before taking us into an officer’s dugout where he would have written to parents of the deceased and censored letters. As we proceeded along the trench network we gained a valuable insight into what life would have been like for a soldier in the trenches.
After lunch we were provided with wooden rifles and carried out a drill and practised marching. We particularly enjoyed ambushing Mr Rees and Mrs Hall!
We returned to school full of inspiration for writing our World War I book, which will be available for purchase after half term.