Fairholme School Council
This term has seen the formation of the Fairholme School Council. We learned in assemblies about the role of local councils in the community and then set to work electing members of each class on to the School Council. Each member needed to be prepared to collect ideas for the School for members of their class and present these ideas to the rest of the council at meetings. We have now held council meetings for one term. These have involved lively discussions on playtime pursuits, school food, menu, plastic cups, anti-bullying mentoring scheme, school trips and book club. Discussions led by the Chair, Edward, Secretary, Miles and Publicity Officer, Smruthya, have been very useful and many of the ideas put forward have now come to fruition. Thank you to all council members for your hard work so far. Next term we shall be holding elections again to allow others to have a term representing their class.